Pre registration form reserved for press
Sign up for E-Tech Europe 2025 and get your free pass.
Warning! Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

It is not possible to generate multiple passes with the same email.

Journalist Information

Check/Fill in your name
Check/Fill in your surname
Check/Fill in your e-mail
Check/Fill in your Ph..

Newspaper / Web Portal

Check/Fill in your company name
Check/Fill in your address
Check/Fill in your postal code
Check/Fill in your city
Check/Fill in your province/region
Choose your country
Check/Fill in your company website

Agreement on the processing of the visitor personal data

Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679
General Data Protection Regulation
With regard to the privacy note provided above concerning the registration to the exhibition, I declare that I authorise A151 Srl to process my personal data for the following purposes:

A) Sending advertising and direct sales materials and performing market research or sending commercial communications by post, telephone, automated calling, fax, e-mail, text message, mms systems in relation to the events, services and products of our Company.

B) Data analysis to identify, through electronic or automated processing, preferences and possible events, services and products of interest to the Visitor (profiling)

C) Transfer of personal data to third parties such as, for example, partners and exhibitors and exhibition organizers involved in the organization of individual fairs, for the launch by the latter of autonomous direct marketing initiatives relating to their products, services or information.

> Tuesday, 15 April 2025, 09:00 - 18:00
> Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 09:00 - 18:00

The pre-registration form will be available until 17:00, 16-04-2025

1. If you would like to visit E-Tech Europe 2025, please complete this pre-registration form.
2. You will receive your entry ticket (pdf version) by e-mail.
3. Print or save your entry ticket and take it with you.
4. Use your entrance ticket to enter the event.

Customer care
Active technical support exclusively for issues relating to issuance, errors or entry pass changes.
Support active from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00.
